Monday, September 24, 2007

Ten years...of many precious moments

I knew I had to get this when I saw it at the shop. It shows where we are now...ten years on...Meredith at 5 years old and Reegan at 6 months, still an infant-in-arms. And it came with a tag..."Thankful for my family"...indeed I am so very grateful for that. I just wanted to be happy on this day...and it was great! We had a full of fresh, juicy, sweet, refreshing oysters dinner at the Shangri-la. We had to cheers to Meredith's 5 years whenever we clanked the glasses to our ten years. Meredith just wanted to be fair.

1 comment:

Momo said...

Happy 10th Anniversary! I was so busy that I forgot to wish you last shows I cannot do children's birthdays