Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Snack time!

We've been making quite a few things these few days. But we have to be quick in all these or else Reegan will protest being left alone.

We visited a local baker's store and bought a few tools to make some local snacks. We were excited to try a few things.

I love pineapple tarts, but just the pastry and not so much the pineapple paste. So we only made the pastry part from the recipe. This one is of a better recipe which claimed to be melt-in-your-mouth pineapple tarts. I was glad I found this recipe. It's simpler and healthier and its got the right texture I like.

Here it is...unglazed, but yummelicious....!

We also tried Ang Ku Kueh. And I explained to Meredith how this kueh got its name. She thinks it's silly! Anyway, it was quite fun knocking out the kueh from the mould and then see one of my favourite snack there staring at me. Quite unbelievable at first. I used to drive all the way to Jalan Bukit Merah to buy it when I have the craving. But now I can make my own. Just that I need to find a more natural ingredient for the colouring, don't really feel good using the articficial colouring.

Inspired by a friend, I tried making mooncakes. I did quite a bit of researching before my attempt. I think the pastry part was ok but I did not like the ready-made filling I bought from the store. But anyway, I have got a few mooncakes from friends and relatives. So I think that's enough of the mooncakes for this year.

These are my mooncakes, from a traditional mould and a Hello Kitty mould...

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